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Book & prints


Ptolemaeus Claudius


Sphera Volgare Novamente Tradotta, of Fra Mauro

Sacro Bosco by Fra Mauro: Sphera Volgare Novamente Tradotta, con molte notande additioni di geometria, cosmographia, arte navicatoria


Carta Marina of Olaus Magnus

facsimile of the 1539 and 1572 map


Cosmopraphia, per Gemmam Phrysius, apud Louanienses Medicum ac Mathematicum

Petri Apiani and Gemma Frisius: Cosmopraphia, per Gemmam Phrysius, apud Louanienses Medicum ac Mathematicum insignem,Denuo restituta. Additis de eadem re ipsius Gemma Phry. Libellis, quos sequens pagina docet. MD XL


De Principiis Astronomiæ & Cosmographiæ de Orbis Divisione & Insulis

Gemmae Phrsysii Medici ac Mathematici


Carta Marina of Olaus Magnus

Woodblock map of Scandinavia with latitude and Longitude coordinates.


Nieuwe onderwijsinge op de principaelste puncten

Coignet Michiel, De Zeevaert oft Conste van ter Zee te varen + Nieuwe onderwijsinge op de principaelste puncten der Zeevaert. Very rare first edition of this important work for the navigation in the Low Countries


Blocking the river Scheldt in Antwerp

Italian print of the sieg of Antwerp


Lapis Polaris Magnes, Stradanus, Engraving by Philips Galle

1591 Phls Galle Engraving: Lapis Polaris Magnes. From Nova repertes illustrating the invention of the Compass


Christopher Columbus Ligur terroribus Oceani superatis alterius pene

Circa 1592 engraving “Christophorus Columbus Ligur…”, by Adriaen Collaert (1560-1618) after Stradanus. Antwerp


Astrolabium. Americus Vespuccius.

circa 1605 Two Prints by Jan Van der Straer or Stradanus: 'Astrolabium. Americus Vespuccius. cum quattuor Stellis crucem silente nocte repperit'


In Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco Commentarius

Sacro Bosco by Christophorus Calvius


Arte del Navigare

Pedro de Medina: The first navigation book describing the compass and astrolabe


Instructie der Zee-Vaert door de Gheheele Werelt

Jan Vanden Brouck


Journael ofte Bechryvinghe van de Wonderlijcke reyse ghedaen door W. Schouten

First and colloured edition of the discovery of Cape Hoorn and the Lemaire Street: Journael ofte Bechryvinghe van de Wonderlijcke reyse ghedaen door Willem Cornelisz Schouten van Hoorn inde Jaren 1615, 1616; 1617


Oost ende West-Indische spiegel der 2 leste navigatien. Spilbergen and Lemaire

Willem Jantz. ( = Willem Blaeu): Oost ende West-Indische spiegel der 2 leste navigatien, ghedaen inden jaeren 1614.15.16.17 ende 18


Mercator and Hondius a double Portret

Frontpiece of the Mercator Hondius Atlas


Practyck vande Groote Zee-Vaert

De Decker Ezechiel


Maghelan crossing the strait of Maghelan

from:Newe Welt und Americanische Historien


Astronomische ende geographische onderwysinghe

Adrianus Metius


Orbis Longitudines Repertae e Magnetis a Polo Declinatione.

Discovery of the Longitudes method by Johannes Plancius from 'Nova Reperta


Geographia Generalis, in qua affectiones generales telluris explicantur.

Varenius Berhardus, first edition


De seven boecken van De Grote Zeevaert

The theory of navigation by Abraham de Graef pinted by Pieter Goos


Practical Navigation an introduction to the whole art

Fourth edition of this rare and important work on the Art of Navigation


Trigonometrie or the doctrine of triangles

A mariner’s guide. It is the first that provided practical help in all types of trigonometry and navigation. It is divided into three books. The first deals with plane trigonometry, the second with spherical trigonometry , the third with navigation.


Nieuwe Reystogt rondom de Werreld

Circumnavigation by William Dampier, first Dutch edition


Dictionaire de marine contenant les termes de la navigation

Nicolas Aubin, Dictionaire de marine contenant les termes de la navigation et de l'architecture navale.


Traité complet de la navigation

Important French work on navigation by Jean Bouguer


Act Of Longitude by Queen Anne *

first edition publication of the Act in 1714


Nouvelle carte pour conduire à la connoissance de la marine et des instruments

Large map shows many different nautical instruments used in navigation, ship types, and ship building:
'Nouvelle carte pour conduire à la connoissance de la marine et à demontrer la plus part des instruments'.


Act of Longitude 1724 publication: Anno Regni Annae Regina

Later edition of the Act of Longitude


De la méthode d'observer en mer la déclination de la boussole

First edition of important French book on navigation by Pierre Bouguer (1698-1758)


Le Petit Flambeau de la Mer. ou le veritable guide des pilotes cotiers

Pilot Guide of René Bougard


t Vergulde licht der Zeevaart Gietermaker

Work on the art of navigation by the Dutch mathematician Klaas Hendriksz. Gietermaker (1621-1699)


'Navigation' (instruments) Diderot-d'Alembert encéclopedie

Navigation, Astronomical navigational instruments, Signed: Prevost Fecit, Pl. 1, Denis Diderot; M. d'Alembert: Astrolabe, Backstaff, Cross-Staff, Nocturnal and Compass
Copperprint of Navigational instruments, Prevost fecit.


Een Schets van de algemene Passaatwinden in de Atlantische en Indische zeen

William Dampier uit 'Nieuwe Reystogt Rondom de Weereldt'. He was first to correctly disribe the winds and currens in the Pacific Ocean.


Etat du Ciel. Pour L’An de Grace 1756

Pingré, Alexandre Guy


Nouveau traité de navigation, contenant la théorie et la pratique du pilotage.

Pierre Bouguer, Nouveau traité de navigation. contenant la théorie et la pratique du pilotage [...] Revu & abrégé par M. l'abbé de La Caille de la même Académie Royale des Sciences. &c. Avec figures en taille-douce


Reize rondsom de werreld gedaan in de jaaren 1740-44 3de edit

Story of the travel by George Anson around the world.
' Reize rondsom de werreld, gedaan in de jaaren 1740-1744'.
3de editie Dutch, 1765


A Voyage around the World in His Majesty's Ship The Dolphin (by John Byron)

A voyage around the world to explore the South Seas by John Byron


The Seaman's daily Assistant + A new set of Logarithmic Solar Tables

Two important navigational books bound together: The seaman's daily assistant and
A New sett of logarithmic solar tables, calculated and constructed for determining the latitude at sea. London


Tabulae motuum solis et lunae. novae et correctae

Tobias Mayer's tables for the lunar distance edited by the Britisch admiralty and Nevil MaskelyneAct


The description and use of both the globes, the armillary sphere and orrery.

Rare second, corrected and enlarged edition (first 1762) by the mathematician and instrument maker B. Martin (1704-1782)


Leçon de Navigation par M. Dulague

Leçons de Navigation , Dulague, Rouen 1775. French book on Navigation with 6 folding plates and the declination solar tables from 1776 till 1796


Cpopperprint: The name of Systems. by Seale Sculp

Handcoloured copperprint . Engraved for the New Geographical
Copperprint ‘ The Name Of System’
Print (Engraving) of Armillary Sphere and Planetary Systems, by R. W. Seale, for the New Geographical Dictionary, Late 18th Century


Three Voyages of James Cook.

First French editions, 16 volumes of which one atlas


Histoire Naturelle des Minéraux


A manual for teaching navigation

Manuscript Navigation course by a student. A Journal of a Voyage... In the Henry of Whitby... A.B. Commander... Kept by J. Breckon... November 17th 1791"


Astronomical and geographical essays. By Georges Adams

I. A full and comprehensive view of the general principles of Astronomy.
II. The use of the celestial and terrestrial globes
III. The description [...] of [...] planetarium, tellurian
3th edition


Atlas de Voyage de La Pérouse autour du Monde

4 volumes: 2de editie. For Atlas 1 st edition : see Atlasses


Connaissance des Tems à l’usage des astronomes et des navigateurs pour l’an IX.

a nautical almanac pubiced in the sixt years after the start of the French republique: 1797


Supplément à la trigonométrie sphérique et à la navigation de Bezout

Avec desription du compas trigonométrique de Richer. An VI, 1798, fist edition


The Complete Navigator


Verhandeling Hadley Swinden


1829 Vernieuwde uitgave van Douwes Zeemans Tafelen


David Thomson’s Lunar and Horary Tables

For new and concise methods of performing the calculations necessary for ascertaining the Longitude by Lunar Observations


The new seamen's guide and coaster's companion

23 ste edition , in Wooden box


Verhandeling Joacob Swart


Maritime Conference held at Brussels

Maritime Conference held at Brussels for devising an uniform system of meteorological observations at sea, August and September 1853


A complete epitome of practical navigation

With pictures of Octant and Sextant


A Guide to Practical Navigation by captain Edmund McNevin


Portrait of Christiaan Huygens


La navigation astronomique et la navigation estimée

A book about the 'estimated navigation'. Written by the captain of the 'Belgica' before its exploration into Antarctica, leaded by De Gerlache.


Quinze mois dans l'Antarctique: l'expedition de la Belgica 1897-99

Second edition of the expedition of De Gerlache into the Antarctic.


Quinze mois dans l'Antarctique: l'expedition de la Belgica 1897-99

1ste edition of the Belgica expedition with the first scientific hibernation on the Antarctic by the Belgian explorer De Gerlache and his team.


Christophe Colombs'embarque à Palos. le 3 Août 1492


Au pays des Manchots Georges Lecointe

Au Pays des Manchots, Récit du Voyage de la ‘Belgica’ par Georges Lecointe
1ste édition, 1904


A book of Discovery. The history of the World's Exploration


Abraham Zacuto's Almanach perpetuum celestium motuum

facsimile from 1915 of this important work about the suns declination, dating from 1473


Foto Sextant on Mercator

Personel study of Gaston Wijns. Ontwikkelgelatinezilverdruk (OGZ) - Ongesigneerd


Résultats du Voyage de la Belgica en 1897-99

Résultats du Voyage de la Belgica en 1897-99, Sous le commandement de
A. De Gerlache de Gomery, Rapport Scientifiques; Anvers 1938


Manual of Celestrial Navigation


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