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1714 Act of Longitude.webp

The Dutch Golden Age

Speculum Nauticum

Spiegel der Zeevaert, Latin edition of Lucaz Janszoon Waghenaer


Titlepage of Lucas Jansz.Waghenaer 'Le Nouveau Mirroir'

Titel page of the 16000 French edition of 'Spieger der Zeevaert'


Thresoor der Zeevaert

The oblong edition by Lucas Jannsz. Waghenaer


Instructie der Zee-Vaert door de Gheheele Werelt

Jan Vanden Brouck


Journael ofte Bechryvinghe van de Wonderlijcke reyse ghedaen door W. Schouten

First and colloured edition of the discovery of Cape Hoorn and the Lemaire Street: Journael ofte Bechryvinghe van de Wonderlijcke reyse ghedaen door Willem Cornelisz Schouten van Hoorn inde Jaren 1615, 1616; 1617


Oost ende West-Indische spiegel der 2 leste navigatien. Spilbergen and Lemaire

Willem Jantz. ( = Willem Blaeu): Oost ende West-Indische spiegel der 2 leste navigatien, ghedaen inden jaeren 1614.15.16.17 ende 18


Practyck vande Groote Zee-Vaert

De Decker Ezechiel


Astronomische ende geographische onderwysinghe

Adrianus Metius


The Sea Mirrour

English edition of 'Zeespiegel' van Willem Blaeu


Orbis Longitudines Repertae e Magnetis a Polo Declinatione.

Discovery of the Longitudes method by Johannes Plancius from 'Nova Reperta


Novus XVII Inferioris Germaniae Provinciarum

William Blaeu landmap of the 17 Provinces, oriented to the west


Nocturnal in Boxwood

English nocturnal for ‘ Both Bears’


Tabula Castelli ad Sandflitam, qua simul inundati agri

map of vicinity of Zandvliet


Tabula Portum maris Septentrionalis à parte quae Tessel usque quae Hooften

Map of the Northsea, north to the left : Tabula Portum maris Septentrionalis à parte quae Tessel usque quae Hooften appellatur


Pascaert vande Custe van Vlaenderen van Walcheren tot Cale en Bouloigne Fr.

Map of the the Dutch and Flemish caost, with A panoramic view of Dunkerque and a coastal profile of Calais and surroundings.


Afbeelding vande Vermaere Seehaven ende Stadt van Duynkercken

sea chart depicts the coast at Dunkerque oriented with north at bottom by an elegant compass rose


Pascaart Vant Canaal and Britisch Isles

Map of the british Isles, by Johannes Janssonius,north to the right


Paskaarte Vertonende alle Zékusten van Europa

Portolaan vellum map of Europe by Pieter Goos


De seven boecken van De Grote Zeevaert

The theory of navigation by Abraham de Graef pinted by Pieter Goos


PasCaart van de Canaal tusschen Engeland en Vrancrijck

used seachart by Hendrick Doncker


Atlas Major sive Cosmographia Blaviana -Tome one.

Part one of first edition of the famous Atlas major, with all instruments of Thyco Brahe


Paskaert van Zeeusche en Vlaemsche Kusten. tonende alle drooghten...

Pieter Goos, sea chart features the entire coast of Belgium with small parts of France, England, and the Netherlands


Brass Sundial made by Johannis Dickens in Amsterdam

Early rare Dutch compass with Dutch wind direction. Roman hours on outer ring, and gnomon that can be lowered during transportation


De cust van Zeelandt, begrypende in sich de gaten als van de Wielingen ter Veere

Seamap of Pieter Goos: De cust van Zeelandt, begrypende in sich de gaten als van de Wielingen, ter Veere, Ziericzee, Brouwershaven, Goeree, en de Maes


Occidentalior Tractus Maris Mediterranei, Apus F. de Wit

Western part of the Mediterrenean Sea by Frederick de Wit


Orientalior districtus Maris Mediterranei, Apus F. de Wit

Eastern part of the Mediterreanean Sea by Frederick de Wit


Mare Germanicum ab Amelandia ad Promontoria Caleti et Doverae

Pascaert van de NOORD ZEE van Ameloo tot de hoofden van A'dam by Frederick de Wit


De Cust van Hollandt tusschen de Maes en Texel

Seachart og the Northsea by Hendrick Doncker, North to the left


Composite atlas of 6 charts intended for navigation from the Nether. to the Med.

Six seacharts from Pieter Goos in one composite atlas by Jacob Robijn


Nieuwe Pascaert Bevattende in sich de Kust van Vlaenderen van de Wielingen...

Seachart of the Northsea by Johannes van Keulen North to the bottom: Nieuwe Pascaert Bevattende in sich de Kust van Vlaenderen van de Wielingen tot den Hoofden


De Zee-Custen van Vrancryck tusschen Swartenes en C. de la Hague

Seachart from the southern part of the Nortsea and Channel, North to the bottom of the map.


Piancenza's map of "Pelangnisi"

Map of one of the Islands of th Northern Sporades by Piancenza F.


Clock by Bernard Vander Cloesen, design by Christiaan Huygens

Important clock designed by Christiaan Huygens, who did seatrials to find longitude at sea, 120 years after the suggestion by Gemma Frisius, and 100 years before Harrison's Chronometer.


Clock by Johannes Van Ceulen, design of Christiaan Huygens

Important clock designed by Christiaan Huygens, who did seatrials to find longitude at sea, 120 years after the suggestion by Gemma Frisius, and 100 years before Harrison's Chronometer.


Carte des entrées de l'Escaut et Meuse entre Rotterdam et Graveline

Seachart from Jaillot et Mortier, North is down of the map


Manica, gallis La Manche et Belgis het Canaal, pars oceani inter Angliam&Galliam

engraving of the channel between England and France. Contemporary coloured. Cartouche not coloured


Canalis inter Angliae et Galliae

Novissima et Accuratissima Canalis inter Angliae et Galliae
Tabula cum omnibus suis Portibus+ Arenis et profundis per
Theodorum Danckerum Amstelodami cum Privilegio Ordinum Hollandiae et Westfrisiae


Early Lodestone

17th or early 18th century. probably Continental. To remagnetisise the compass needle.


Maritime Hour-glass of 30 min

Typical marine hour-glass to measure the 'glasses' of the watch


Universal Ringdial

Dutch or Spanisch universal ringdial in leather cover


Dictionaire de marine contenant les termes de la navigation

Nicolas Aubin, Dictionaire de marine contenant les termes de la navigation et de l'architecture navale.


Dapper Olfert's 4 maps on two sheets of Northern Sporade Isles

Map of four Islands of the Northern Sporades by Dapper: maps of “Schiatti + Scopoli & Zea” and " Pelagnisi & Dromi"


Ring Dial

Dutch. Anonymous but dated ‘1719’ with handle.


Groote nieuwe Paskaart van de Geheele Noord-zee

Groote nieuwe Paskaart van de Geheele NOORD-ZEE vertoonenede in sig alle dessels Rivire Havens Baye Dieptens en droogtens daar in Geleegen Nota de gebruiker moet in dese Kaard sijn Miswijsing selver vergoeden.


Nouvelle carte pour conduire à la connoissance de la marine et des instruments

Large map shows many different nautical instruments used in navigation, ship types, and ship building:
'Nouvelle carte pour conduire à la connoissance de la marine et à demontrer la plus part des instruments'.


Zeemeter or Tobacco box of Pieter Holm

Dutch seaman's tobacco box or Dutch log by Pieter Holm with the inscription 'Recht door Zee'


Winged dividers 12 inch

early winged dividers of 12 inch, probably more used for shipbuilding than for navigation


t Vergulde licht der Zeevaart Gietermaker

Work on the art of navigation by the Dutch mathematician Klaas Hendriksz. Gietermaker (1621-1699)



Johannes Van Keulen II, Signed and dated Dutch Cross-Staff. no vanes


Carte de la Mer d'Allemagne Contenant les Bancs Ilses et Costes

Carte de la Mer d'Allemagne Contenant les Bancs Ilses et Costes comprises depuis Bergen et les Isles Schetland jusques au Pas de Calais. Seamap of the Northsea by Covens & Mortier. North to the left


Carte Nouvelle des Costes de Hollande, Zeelande, Flandre, Picardie, & Normandie

Beautiful seamap of Flanders and Zeeland by Romeyn de Hooghe for Covens & Mortier 1721-41


Traverse Board or Pelorus

Navigation Pinn-compass Rose 18 th century. anonymous


Deap lead

Lead to measure the depth of the sailing water, and to know when approaching the coast. No soul!


Quadrant von Gottlob Friederich Haug

herzogl. Hofmechanikus und Hofuhrmacher in Stuttgart.


Chronometer Hohwü

Important Dutch chronometer by Andreas Hohwü from Amsterdam


Portrait of Christiaan Huygens


Dieptelood op haspel

15.5 Fathoms or 28.34 meters. 13 lb of 5.9 kg staal met vetholte


Blaeu. Willem Jean. The Light of Navigation. Faksimile 1966.


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